www.safeandvaultstore.com Hi Dye The Safe Guy here again with Safe and Vault Store.com Today were going to talk about floor safes. There are many types of floor safes. First thing you want to understand is the fact that floor safes can be used for gold. platinum, silver, coins, jewelry.We do not recommend floor safes for anything that you want to protect from fire. Floor safes do not have a fire proof rating, some have a fire resistant rating but in most cases when we drill out a floor safe, any paper or money thats inside turns to ash. Floor safes are installed in concrete or wood and should be installed by a general contractor. Door Types Floor safes have different types of doors. For example the least expensive ones have a removable door that has a latch right here and it hooks back here on the frame of the floor safe. The larger safes have a spring loaded door as you can see here with large oversize bolts. Drop Slots For business applications most floor safes can be ordered with an optional drop slot so you can drop cash in throughout the business day and then secure it incase or an armed robber. Lock Types Most floor safes have a Group II dial combination lock. Be sure to ask that it does have a Group II Underwriters Laboratory lock. This will provide added security in the million to one chance that anyone can break the combination. We dont recommend digital electronic locks for floor safes. Why? Because when the door is shut, the lock is horizontal. You get ...
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